Eiichiro Oda's record-shattering manga and anime series, One Piece, is getting its very own live-action television series overseas. The announcement was made by Hiroyuki Nakano of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump, at the 20th anniversary event of the popular series held at the "Tokyo One Piece Tower ONE PIECE LIVE ATTRACTION". The live-action series will be produced by Tomorrow Studios, a collaborative project by Marty Adelstein (Prison Break, Teen Wolf) and ITV Studios , which is also handling the Cowboy Bebop live action series.

A scheduled release date has not yet been announced. The announcement of the dramatization of easily one of the most popular animated series in Japan over the last twenty years was made along with other commemorative events, including a special celebratory magazine and video game, Supo Annex reports.

Series creator Eiichiro Oda offered a comment along with the announcement:

In the past twenty years, there's been a lot of talk about making live-action adaptions.

About three years ago, I decided to take a step forward with the live-action adaptation, there were many twists and turns, and I found good partners. And now on the day of the 20th anniversary of One Piece, it's actually a coincidence that I can happily announce the project's production.

First of all, "I will never betray the fans who have supported me for 20 years." This is my one condition.

I am sure there will be a lot of voices of concern, but I also ask for voices of anticipation.

So please, wait for the next announcement with excitement!

I'm looking forward to this!

Marty Adelstein of Tomorrow Studios also provided comment:

I've been a fan of One Piece for these 20 years.

I'm very honored to be entrusted with such precious work by Eiichiro Oda and Shueisha.

I will put my everything into making the One Piece series successful.

I believe this will be the most expensive work in the history of television dramas.

When considering the the worldwide attention this series has, I believe such a scale of production costs is worth it.

Live-action adaptations of Japanese animation in the past have resulted in some heated takes, particularly the casting choices of the recent Ghost in the Shell live-action feature, as well as the upcoming Death Note series on Netflix. The vast seas of the fantastical world of One Piece would likely present little problem in terms of casting, so we expect most anticipation to focus on the challenges of bringing the powers of Devil Fruits (along with the massive story-line and characters) to the world of live action.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.