Japanese artist Maruimichi (@maruimichi) has a comforting talent for taking food and using it to create comforting and fantastical images out of even the most mundane moments of everyday life. Marumichi's artwork creatively blends delicious-looking food with everyday surroundings, allowing us to fantasize about a charming world of cuisine that has to life all around us.

In one image, a pillowy cube of tofu acts as the impossibly comfortable kotatsu, a low-situated table with a heater installed underneath, which the heat with a heavy and comfy blanket. Of course, no blanket is needed here.

Source: Maruimichi

Here, a slice of watermelon (which is seen in Japan as a traditional summer fruit) doubles as a protective mosquito net to allow relaxing even during the heat.

Source: Maruimichi

Ozoni, a traditional Japanese soup enjoyed during the New Year, is a lot more inviting with frolicking Shiba inu!

Source: Maruimichi

We've all wanted a jar of lazy pandas in our life at some point.

Source: Maruimichi

Or perhaps having a slice of strawberry shortcake as your entire room.

Source: Maruimichi

This apple opens up to reveal the structure of a clock.

Source: Maruimichi

Fish separating into slices as the roe rains down onto a serving of rice.

Source: Maruimichi

Maruimichi's art isn't limited to food, however. Seasons and nature are also depicted, with one giving water to the moon and turning the page into a new season, welcoming in the cherry blossoms of spring.

Source: Maruimichi

Source: Maruimichi

For more wonderful and whimsical art, be sure to follow Maruimichi on Twitter!

By - Big Neko.