Whether it's ramen-topped ice cream cups, vanilla ice-cream creamy seafood ramen, or the world's most intense matcha ice cream, you'll find no lack of variety when it comes to ice cream in Japan. If you've been searching for poop-emoji shaped soft serve for whatever reason, then you're in luck. SweetXO Good Grief in Harajuku will scratch your itch with "Unchi-kun Soft Serve"!

Each Unchi-kun will be served in a miniature Japanese-style toilet (as shown below by Harajuku YouTuber "Shinako".), with customizable accessories as SweetXO Good Grief wants customers to decorate their poo emoji to their liking. So feel free to turn your poop emoji into a king, flower, or bunny. They'll be available starting January 15th for 650 yen a serving. And yes, they're chocolate.

By - Big Neko.