Like many who watched Detective Pikachu, Japanese Twitter user Montomi (@shigemochi_kun) left the theater wishing for their very own world-class detective Pokemon to have adventures with. Fortunately, Montomi happens to be a professional figure maker. They took to Twitter to say that they felt lonely and wondered "why don't I have a Pikachu at my house?" and so made their very own to share fresh brewed coffee with.

Source: @shigemochi_kun

As you can see, Montomi perfectly captured the expression of Detective Pikachu relishing a hot cup of good coffee!

Source: @shigemochi_kun

Source: @shigemochi_kun

And even gave it a cute butt and tail.

Source: @shigemochi_kun

Montomi explains that they made the cute Detective Pikachu mini-figure out of epoxy putty.

Montomi usually focuses on shiba inu figures, like this adorable one of a stubborn shiba inu refusing to be led on a walk that actually got a release.

You can follow them on Twitter and their home page for more awesome figures and items!

By - Big Neko.