Those familiar with the works (as we've introduced, part 1, part 2, and part 3) of Japanese illustrator Avogado6 (@avogado6) know that the tacit talented artist has a fascination with exploring life, death, and what come after with sometimes haunting artwork.

A mask's skin

Avogado6 describes himself simply as a person who likes science and making video works, but their artwork often unrelentingly shines a light on societal issues such as unattended depression, abuse, addiction, and reliance on technology. That's not say it's all doom and gloom, however, as the artist also seems to have a soft spot for showing the relationship between humans and their pets. Below is a sampling of some of Avogado6's recent standout work. Be sure to follow Avogado6 on Twitter, check out published books on Amazon, and check in at his homepage.

I'm not a kid anymore

Source: Avogado6

Make a smile

Source: Avogado6

Precious, oh so precious

Source: Avogado6

Don't give up


A coat for three

Crying at night

Source: Avogado6

Stay by me

Cage of sleep

Source: Avogado6


Source: Avogado6

Cheer up

Source: Avogado6

I'm sorry

source: Avogado6

Sleepy roll cake

Source: Avogado6

I've gotta eat

Source: Avogado6

Cut off

Source: Avogado6

I just want to be loved

Source: Avogado6


Source: Avogado6

Tears of spring

Source: Avogado6

By - Big Neko.