Pokémon fans have been treated to a variety of PC cushions in the past that allow them to cuddle their favorite Pokémon while they type away at work or home, but for those looking for something a bit less cumbersome, Japanese online retailer and oddity shop Village Vanguard has just the thing: miniature Pokémon "arm pillows" to keep yourself comfortable while at your computer.

Village Vanguard is adding four new Pokémon to the "mofu mofu udemakura" (fluffy arm pillow--although they are meant to fit under your wrist) Pokémon series. The new four entries in the series are extra fluffy pillows of Pichu, Psyduck, Mew, and Piplup to keep your wrists from tiring after long typing sessions.





Each is available from Village Vanguard's online shop in Japan fro 2,420 yen, although they can sometimes be acquired on Amazon.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.