Last year, World Party Co., Ltd. released fashionable plastic umbrellas with an iridescent sheen. Sometimes described as "holographic" (although they don't display holograms) in other countries, they're known in Japan as "aurora" umbrellas. The initial lot of 10,000 completely sold out last year. Now, by popular demand, the company is bringing out two new designs in the series entitled: "Piping Aurora" and "Birdcage Aurora."

Until now, the fabric of these "aurora" umbrellas was only available in cool color tones, but with these new models, warm color-tones are also available.

When you look into the rainy sky from inside these umbrellas, you'll surely see a different world from the usual gloomy rainy sky, and when the sky clears after the rain, you can also enjoy the reflection of the light and a multi-hued shadow at your feet.

Piping Aurora series - gold / pink: 2,300 JPY + tax

Polyethylene ribs, 60 cm

The iridescent fabric is designed with gold and pink piping respectively. The handle of the umbrella is made of clear acrylic for a stylish look. Why not make this umbrella the centerpiece of your outfit.

Bird Cage Aurora series - gold / pink: 1,800 JPY + tax

Polyethylene ribs, 60 cm

As the name implies, this umbrella has a soft and round dome shape. Part of the fabric is made of iridescent fabric, and the handle is either off-white or light pink. These umbrellas will add a playful note to your rainy days.

Selfies with aurora umbrellas trending on social media

Not only on rainy days but also on sunny days, people are using these aurora umbrellas to take selfies. Of course, the umbrellas themselves look good on camera, but people have noticed that the multi-hued shadows cast on the ground and reflected on puddles of water make for moody photos as well.

Buying options


Rakuten Market Wpc./KiU OFFICIAL SHOP

ZOZOTOWN Wpc./KiU Official Shop

By - Ben K.