From the day they are born through their middle years, and till the day they finally slow down, dogs show us so many different emotions and changes in their lives.

Inukoro (@inukokoroblog) is a Japanese dog illustrator.

She recently drew simple illustrations of the different life stages of dogs, and posted the art work sharing a description of the appeal of each one on Twitter. Now, they are going viral and dog lovers couldn’t agree with her more!

Dogs change as they grow, and so do their charming poinst. Inukoro illustrated the “lovable points” in each growth stage of our beloved pooches. Let’s take a look!

"Puppy phase- They are little blobby angels with chubby tummies and paws. Every step they take, you can almost hear a cute wobbly sound-effect to it. Everything from their ears, eyes, nose and snout...they are so tiny you just wanna eat them up. You can’t take your eyes off of them because, they are just so adorable."

"Adolescent phase- They are the God-given...destroyers. They will destroy everything in your house. They are fearless and indestructible (or at least they think they are). Your pillows, stuffed animals, Kleenex and everything else within their sight...they crrush them. But we always forgive them because, they are just so adorable."

"Adult phase- They are the star of the house. You keep telling them they are cute, so they know they are cute. They understand you do everything for them because, well, they know they are just so adorable".

"Elder phase- They now have a divine power of giving you peaceful rest even by just sleeping near you. Even when they become forgetful, they will never forget to see you off in the morning, and welcome you home at night. They are no longer the destroyer they once were. They are content on their own without your constant attention at this stage. But you still give them lots of attention because, they are just that adorable."

"I summarized the growth stage of dogs and the loveable points in each stage. I’m sure many dog lovers can relate to this."


"At any stage of life, dogs are adorable."

So, what this means is that, no matter what, dogs are always cute!

They are our angels, destroyers, and our idols. Dogs reveal all sorts of interesting aspects of themselves throughout their lives.

Day after day, as they give you an unconditional love, your connection with them will only thicken without ever wearing off.

It is our privilege to be able to watch our four-legged friends grow every day, and we can only appreciate it by treasuring the time we get to spend with them.

By - Mugi.
