Pets rely on love and attention from their human companions, but that's even truer when they get up there in years and encounter the difficulties of old age. One instance where this can be particularly challenging is in caring for elderly dogs, who while may not be able to get around like they used to, still benefit from walking and exercise to reduce stress and keep in shape.

Japanese Twitter user twenderafiki recently faced that challenge with her beloved 17-year-old shiba inu, Rudy. Rudy has lately become a bit bedridden, and walks, which she previously very much enjoyed, have been sadly off the table for the good girl.

Things recently turned around for the elderly shiba, however. After consulting with a vet, twenderafiki was able to put a huge smile back on the face of Rudy by arranging a wheelchair-like device for her. The night and day difference between her bedridden state and her beaming smile when she uses the wheelchair made even her vet do a double-take!

twenderafiki says the maker of the wheelchair informed her that it's better for Rudy to walk 100 meters using the wheelchair than it is to walk 100 meters while struggling and falling down. Her delighted expression at being able to walk charmed and touched many on Twitter.

Things are no doubt still tough for Rudy, but it looks like she has quite a few caring people watching over her and getting her back on her feet!

By - Big Neko.