Pet owners will know the situation well. When your animal companion falls asleep on something, including upon your own person, it’s near impossible to muster up the heart to move them.

But this sort of occurrence usually takes place at home. A Japanese tourist recently experienced this far away from home, all the way in Turkey, while shopping at an Istanbul drug store.

When going to pick up a shopping basket, she was surprised to find it already occupied by a sleeping cat. The baskets were also stacked on top of each other, meaning the others couldn’t be extracted without disturbing the slumbering feline.

Source: @nekonekkop

The cat looked so peaceful that all the shoppers decided to just leave him be. The Twitter user that posted the video is a cat-lover who owns her own pet kitties and often posts about cats, so she took a video of the surprising sight to share online.

According to her, street animals are protected and looked after by the local authorities in Turkey, so you can often see stray cats living a chill lifestyle around town.

The video resonated with her Japanese followers so much, it has been viewed one million times and has garnered over 81 thousand likes.

If you want to see more cat adventure posts, check out @nekonekkop on Twitter!

By - grape Japan editorial staff.