Photos are indispensable for driver's licenses, passports, student IDs, and other types of identification. In major metropolitan areas, photo booths are often available for this purpose.

In Japanese photo booths, you can retake photos a few times, but when you've reached your last attempt for the price you paid, you need to make that photo count. An unexpected mistake at that point could result in an unusable photo...

...such as the one you see below:

Reproduced with permission from アクセルグ Accelerg (@KeioAccelerg)

There are usually detailed specifications when it comes to photos for passports, driver's licenses, and the like. For example, bangs shouldn't cover the eyes, you should be facing the front, you can't have backgrounds of a certain color, etc.

Of course, a photo of a sneezing face cannot be used.

These hilarious photos by Twitter user アクセルグ Accelerg (@KeioAccelerg), who show us firsthand what not to do when you take an ID photo, elicited many comments such as:

  • "This gets funnier the more I look at it!"
  • "Looking at these photos is a great way to blow off stress at the end of the day."
  • "So, did you re-shoot it properly?"

Although it may be difficult to predict when you're going to sneeze, it's probably a good idea to take all necessary precautions before stepping into a photo booth so that you don't end up shouting, "Give me my money back!" at the end.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.