(c) grape Japan

Daiso’s cat catch hooks are a cute kitty cleaning lifesaver

Daiso is one of Japan's largest 100-yen shop chains, can pretty much be considered an emporium for just about everything you could think of using on a daily basis, and quite a few others that you wouldn't think of needing. On a recent trip to Daiso, we recently found out how handy those in the latter category can be--at least for a cat lover

What caught our eye was a product called the "Catch Hook", a simple attachable seal that came in the shape of an adorable black cat's face.

(c) grape Japan

While most would be content to simply use them as cute feline decertations, a look at the package revealed that they are meant to be attached to the inside of your sink or shower wall, to hang sponges, wash clothes, and thin towels. The tiny cat faces can be stuck onto those surfaces and reapplied multiple times without wearing down, and taking them out of the package, you'll see that they have little protrusions that you can hang sponges and wash cloths on.

(c) grape Japan

One of our Japanese sister site writers told us that she uses them as a way to not mix up the different sponges she uses to wash her own dishes and her cats' dishes. If you have an issue mixing up your sponges--we'd say that's a pretty smart way to use them! Of course, they could always just make for an adorable cat face to brighten your day while you do the dishes or kitchen cleaning!

(c) grape Japan

By - grape Japan editorial staff.