What do you do when you're sitting on a bus or a train and see a mother with a young child standing nearby? Some readers may feel inclined to at least let the child sit down, especially if the carriage is swaying a lot.

One day, while riding the train, Twitter user あめ Ame (@amede_kakusite) gave up her seat for just such a reason.

The child, who was silent at first, was then nudged by her mother to say something in return. What played out, however, was not what either his mother or Ame expected.

"I was sitting in the train and saw a kid, so I said, 'Here, take my seat.'
Mom: 'Come on, what do you say at a time like this?'
Boy: 'Uh... Miss, you're so cute!'
Mom: 'No, that's not it. You say thank you!'
Boy: 'Thank you!'
I was so happy, so I think it was the perfect answer!!! That's the way it should be!!! Please keep growing up like that!!!"

Maybe strangers would often say to the kid: "You're so cute!" when he and his mother were out. As a result, on the spur of the moment, maybe that's the nicest thing that came to his young mind.

Whatever the reason was, his innocent words were adorable and heartwarming.

The Tweet elicited numerous reactions, such as:

  • "That's a 200 point answer! It's so charming."
  • "A child with an exciting future.... I hope he keeps his beautiful heart as it is."
  • "You can be sure he'll be popular when he grows up."

The mother may have been upset, but the kid made Ame even happier than if he had simply said thanks, so it was a great reaction!

By - grape Japan editorial staff.