Summer is just around the corner!

Making your home as comfortable as possible during the hot season must be a concern for many.

If you are not a big fan of air conditioning units and fans, how about some rags made out of bamboos?

Many Positive Merits

There are many reasons why bamboo is suited for summer months.

It is cool to touch

Bamboo transfers heat well, and it feels 1-3 degrees centigrade cooler than cotton sheets.


Sitting on a bamboo rag prevents you from getting a bit too moist, and helps you regulate body temperature – so it should feel more comfortable.

Controls the spread of bacteria

In the past, rice balls were wrapped in bamboo skin.


This is because bamboo has natural properties to prevent the spread of bacteria. This property is now being used in medical fields as well.

Pet might love you for it

It’s not just people who want to keep cool during summer. Animals have hard time putting up with the intense heat.

Many twitter users are saying their pets don’t want to leave the rag!

So bamboo rags are not just a cosmetic upgrade for your home, but are also practical.

Nowadays they come in all sorts of design to suit all sorts of homes. Have a try – you might get hooked.

Asian Modern Bamboo Rag (

By - grape Japan editorial staff.

Amazon / @nemumore / @hani_sumi / @UFOtonderu