Presents become a little more special when you are given them by surprise. It seems same is true for dogs.

In this video, YouTube-famous dog Maymo was given a birthday gift by a surprise. Not knowing that it's his birthday, he's having a nap on the sofa.


Source: YouTube

The owner moves into action: tables, chairs and other things are moved away to create a mysterious space. A little startled, but it doesn't concern Maymo enough to do anything about it.

Then, a large cardboard box appears in front of Maymo. Now he's interested!


Source: YouTube

Now... Action!


Source: YouTube

Out of the box comes thousands of colorful balls. Maymo doesn't hesitate much before he dives into the sea of balls.


Source: YouTube


Source: YouTube


Source: YouTube

Maymo then comes up with all sorts of ways to enjoy the surprise gift. Maymo only got 100 balls a year ago; having 10 times as much must be exciting!


Source: YouTube

One. Lucky. Dog.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.