The Sapporo Snow Festival (Sapporo Yuki Matsuri) is a spectacle of ice and snow which takes place every February in Hokkaido’s most major city. Snow sculptures, ice sculptures, illuminations, projection mapping and delicious food await those brave enough to face sub-zero temperatures.

Source: PR Times

The stunning sculptures range from beloved anime characters, to grand recreations of famous architecture, to well-known faces.

Japan’s famous pop culture figures are ripe for the sculpting. Anime characters, video game characters among others are always sure to make an appearance.

The artists also get inspiration from big names from overseas like Star Wars.

....Riii....さん(@nnn.9922)がシェアした投稿 -

A staple of the festival is a stunning snow replica of a different iconic building from around the world each year.

うーろんさん(@uuron55)がシェアした投稿 -

The sculptors also give their take on the famous faces that made a buzz that year. Donald Trump and Piko Taro (of PPAP fame) are among the many who have made a short stint as a snow-art at this festival.

koheiさん(@httcu8)がシェアした投稿 -

If you're lucky enough to be attending this year, some designs that will be showcased have been released. One is a tribute to the ever-loved retro anime Astro Boy and the other is for Final Fantasy, the legendary video game series. Hopefully like last year's dazzling Final Fantasy sculpture, this one too will be brought to life with projection mapping.

Source: PR Times

Source: PR Times

By - grape Japan editorial staff.