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"For with God, nothing shall be impossible" ?Luke 1:37 – – Today, August 3rd,2016 is the day that has changed my life for the moment. I found out today that I have been diagnosed with cancer. At this time we are unsure what kind of cancer we are dealing with, but should know shortly. Once we figure it out, that is when I will start chemo and get the cancer removed surgically once it gets smaller. – – I never in a million years thought this would happen to me, especially since I am only 23, but I know I will win this battle. – – I truly believe that God sent me to the ER so we could catch this early. God works in mysteries ways and I know he will be my strength while myself, my fiance, my family, and my friends go through this. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't scared, because I'm scared shitless. – – I will not let cancer win tho. My spirit is not going to dim and I am going to live my life and fight this battle. I want to thank everyone for the well wishes while I was undergoing surgery. It means the world to me. – – Whether you believe in God or praise a different God, I just ask that you send positive vibes my way and pray for me and my family?? – – Now it's my time to fight, fight for my life, and let me tell you; cancer has fucked with the wrong person???????? – – #teamcheyann #fuckcancer #cancersucks #iwillwin #npc #bestself #selflove #bodypositive #fitness #fitfam #fitspo #motivation #summer #love #godisgood #god #godismystrength

A photo posted by Cheyann Shaw (@cheymarie_fit) on



This is hard for me to post… Left- Before we knew I had cancer. I was a solid 130lbs and 15% body fat. Also had a nice little booty growing back there. – – Right- Taken yesterday. Stage 4 Low Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. After almost 14 days in the hospital, a poop bag, and a major surgery; I stand at 105lbs. That's way to small for me. I'm 5"5. I lost everything. Cancer has taken so much from me. The body I worked so hard for 2 years to get, the ability to have and carry my own child, my hair, and so much more, but one thing for sure is that cancer has not taken my fight and faith. – – I will never stop fighting. I will never lose my faith. I will never let cancer win. Today has been a rough day for me mentally, but that's okay. I know tomorrow will be much better and I'm thankful to be alive and to see another day. I know GOD is up there working and I know he will give me the strength to fight, the light to see in the darkness, and will lay his healing hands on me. – – This is the toughest battle I have and will ever face, but I know I can do it. The hardest part of all this is my body change. I have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror but I'm learning to love myself again and I know this is only temporary. Once I get the clear light to workout, I'll be in the gym banging those weights???????? – – #fuckcancer #ovariancancer #seattleseahawks #bestself #selflove #npc #npcbikini #ifbb #npccompetitor #bikini #bikinicompetitor #bikinifitness #bikiniathlete #fitlife #fitspo #fitlife #follow #inspiration #happiness #womensfitness #womenshealth #motivation #squat #squatspo #country #countrymusic #countrygirl #smile #cheystrong

A photo posted by Cheyann Shaw (@cheymarie_fit) on







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