A father and son have the most precious conversation during an interview by french media at the scene of the Bataclan attacks. I saw that it hadn't been subtitled in english yet, so I made a quick edit to show the rest of the world how freakin awesome some of our citizens are. They're my heros. I feel better too now! #paris #bataclan #parisattacksUPDATE: Full segment has been posted with subtitles by LPJ http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3e8rah_paris-attacks-november-2015-le-petit-journal-du-16-11_tvImages and interview are a courtesy of Le Petit Journal . Thank you so much to the LPJ team for this interview and a very touching segment yesterday! Also, thank you for letting this video be accessed by all and not putting it down. Thank you to Angel Le (father) and Brandon (son) for brightening up our day. <3 Original Segment: http://bit.ly/1Lix9L2Original Video (without subtitles): https://www.facebook.com/PetitJournalYannBarthes/videos/1013093998733798/
動画の主人公は、パリ在住のAngel Leさんと彼の息子Brandonくん。ふたりはパリの一角に設置された追悼のスポットに足を運びました。そのふたりが、身近で起きた恐ろしい出来事を振り返り、それを乗り越えようとしています。